Pardon Our Dust!

Welcome to Sharp Methodology - the nexus of Brian Sharp's endeavors. This Sharpest of Methodologies may be defined as "Achieving the Sublime Through the Path of Least Resistance."

sharp adj > 4. Acute of mind; quick to discern or distinguish; penetrating; ready at invention; witty; ingenious.
methodology noun > 2.The branch of logic that deals with the general principles of the formation of knowledge.

While Tarrant County anxiously awaits the rollout of the new Brian Sharp's School of Southern Charm, please enjoy the evolution of and if you don't believe in evolution, at least the INTELLIGENT DESIGN.

Saint Frinatra performs every Sunday 5 - 8 p.m. for JAZZ CHURCH at Fred's Texas.

Saint Frinatra performs selected dates at:

The Saint Frinatra Band Calendar

Sharp Methodology was created to give others an opportunity to share in my passion: IMPROVISATION. Enjoy your stay - browse through the creations - technology and music integrally combined. And please feel free to contact me as our services will be of value to you or your organization. Saint Frinatra is a working band that leverages technology to spread its message.